They Live

They Live

 — A KerryWatch Report

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“ABOUT THE VAX AND TRUMP……The reality is that JFKjr/Juan and Trump are a tag team.  Trump wears the real mask hiding who he really is… playing a part to garner the vote and acting like he backs the vaccine while Juan is staunchly speaking out against vaccines and telling the Patriots what’s really happening in parables while being physically masked.”  Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot Blog.

Although Donald Trump spoke in favor of the covid vaccines, Kerry Cassidy reconciled her faith in Trump by referring to the classic horror movie They Live. In the film, aliens have begun taking over the world, including the most important political and economic positions. They appear to be normal human beings, but they can be seen for what they are if a person wears special dark glasses.
They live - the space capn blog
Kerry believes that if you see the world through her special glasses you can understand that Trump “has to falsely back the vax and take other positions in order to appear palatable to the portion of the Republican party that believes in old science of the ‘virus’ and the ‘vaccine’ . . . They needed to see the proof all around them and see the paradigm fall around their knees exposed for what it was… a blood drinking Nazi cult of death.”

According to Cassidy, Trump should be credited because he “has often crossed the line into the truth camp while speaking about hyrdroxycloroquine and calling out the absurdity of the masks.” But even the secret space program has been taken over by the reptilians.   Therefore, we must “return to the days of revolution when we fight the British and the Germans but this time the real dark magicians at the high reaches of those countries… the Illuminati as they are sometimes called.Those who have given their souls to Lucifer or Satan… or the Reptilian god Baal (all the same).” We must see what is “behind the masks.”

“Latest news is Biden and cohorts plan to try to lock down STATES BORDERS… in a further move to divide and conquer.  Hold the line in the face of this enemy.”
From the Will They Stop At Nothing File (12/21)

Seeing behind the masks might be an art form. Mark Richards once warned Kerry that Trump was controlled by aliens who communicated through Melania. If I believed in the Captain’s tales or the alien agenda, it might be one of the few points where I could agree with him.

Maga masks - spacecapn blog
Graphic by Mitch O’Connell

It should be noted that They Live had a far different message than Kerry’s.  The film maker John Carpenter explained the movie’s central idea. “All of the aliens are members of the upper class, the rich, and they’re slowly exploiting the middle class, and everybody’s becoming poorer.”  It was a critique of Reaganomics and neoliberalism. Indeed, Carpenter called it a documentary.

In the years since They Live was made, it has remained relevant, but not in the way that Cassidy envisions. The economic policy that Reagan advocated was based on supply-side theories and eliminating and restrictions on the free-market economy. Reaganomics pushed for lower taxes for the wealthy and less business regulation by the government. The idea was that showering the rich with even more money in the pockets of the wealthy, and more unrestrained power given to corporations, the wealth would somehow trickle down into the middle, the working class and the poor.

George Bush called it “voodoo economics.”  I called it “credit card economics.” It turned us into a debtor nation and made the rich richer.

Donald Trump embraced the same policies. Tax breaks were given to the rich while the income gap expanded. It goes along with the messages in Carpenter’s film telling people to “marry and reproduce,” “consume,” “no imagination,” and “money is your God,” on billboards and magazines. In the movie, some humans worked against their own interests by siding with the aliens. It is that kind of world that Trump personifies and Cassidy ultimately follows.

They live sunglasses - spacecapn blog
Kerry believes that she is imaginative enough to see behind the masks.  Perhaps it takes imagination when those that feed her world view — Juan Savin, Simon Parkes, Sean Morton, and other “reliable sources” — are consistently wrong. Through it all,Trump has been able to convince his followers to give him money, allow him to take over their party, and believe that he is something other than what he is. What does that make Kerry?


KerryWatch: Occasionally paying attention to Kerry Cassidy so you don’t have to.

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