Awake and Aware?
Although Simon Parkes’s appearance at Cassidy’s Awake and Aware event was hardly unexpected, it is still surprising. Parkes first gained attention when he stated that he was adopted as a baby by a 9ft tall, green alien. She he was his ‘real, more important’ mother. Later, when he was 11, she took him on board her spacecraft and a deal was struck about contact between the two worlds.
Long before the election, Kerry wrote that Parkes had inside information about a pardon for Mark Richards by Trump. I tried to straighten out that basic misconception (including posts on Simon’s channel) although it spread on social media and Project Camelot. Despite whatever Simon’s contacts might have said, a president has no power under our Constitution to pardon a state president. Kerry’s letters to Trump or an online petition drive could not change this.
At this point I wonder when has Simon Parkes ever been right — certainly not with any of the Q events that he peddles. Parkes became a sensation after the election and the January 6th insurrection when he claimed to have direct contact with “Q.” He predicted that a counter-revolution and legal disclosure would end with Trump being installed for a second term as president.
Contrary to all of his supposed inside connections, Trump never cleaned up the deep state, indicted Hillary and others, released Mark Richards, or was restored to power — which probably makes Parkes an ideal speaker for the Awake and Aware event.
Regardless, the conference seems like it could have been a Covid spreader if people followed Kerry Cassidy’s advice about vaccinations and masks.