Galactic Federation or Galactic Conspiracy

A Galactic Federation or Galactic Conspiracy?

Aliens and the new world orderDuring a recent interview, the convicted felon and serial fraudster Sean David Morton talked about one of his books in which humanity must fight against the Galactic Federation, which would keep us bound to this prison planet. Meanwhile he stated that there are at least two alien races that are our direct enemies.

The internet sensation Añjali, offers a different view. She has announced an expedition to meet representatives of the Council in a desert tunnel and believes that they offer people a higher consciousness.[1] For the purpose of this article the, differences between the Council and the Galactic Federation may be in name only.


The galactic federation - asherOther descriptions seem to equate the Federation with peaceful intentions and back Añjali’s view. Haim Eshed, a former Israeli space security chief refers to the Galactic Federation and states that “they have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand, in general, what space and spaceships are.”

Then too there are the messages from Ashtar and the Galactic Federation that speak about peace and the new age. The idea that they come in peace is a tradition that both Aura Raines and Aura Rhanes uphold.

Competing Visions — or Not

It can get complicated. Sean Morton’s version of the Federation seems more in keeping with tales are of abduction and the type of stories told by Mark Richards. Between the evil AI and world disasters, Morton ultimately takes us to where QAnon mixes with his own prophecies about the dangers of the coming world and the fabulous wealth that is allegedly due him. The stories are a combination of personal aggrandizement and predictions about global tribulations.

On the other hand, people like Añjali or Sarah Adams purport to take us back to the Space People, where world peace will be found by raising consciousness from the lower densities. Añjali in particular seems poised to assume assume her self-described role as a messenger or mouthpiece from the Council.

Of course both Morton and Añjali are tied to apocalyptic visions.  Sean warns about future alien invasions.  Añjali tales this further and stated that if we don’t transcend, we will face dire consequences. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. Those who don’t transcend will be be reborn to the planet Orion.  With both, the threat of disaster is always looming so perhaps their differences are more like a good cop-bad cop routine than a fundamental disagreement


Galactic federation, aura raines, and añjali


ln either case, we enter the realms where religion mixes with science fiction. Even though they may emphasize 
different parts of an equation, Morton and Añjali share fundamental things. They both ask us to accept their own grandiose visions. They are both at the center of their own creations.  Both are forms of escapism.

Set The Right Goals

Perhaps we don’t need either cosmic conspiracies or help from the space beings to raise consciousness or survive catastrophes.

If Añjali is in contact with other beings I would recommend that they start out smaller than global transcendence.  As I posted on Twitter:

I am not sure we need cosmic knowledge as much as a little help with the fires, a solution for climate change, and a message that we should get vaccinated and wear a mask. We can figure it out from there.

Perhaps also the higher beings could also help the Tule Elk in Point Reyes. Over the long run, anything beyond that might not be best left to ourselves.

Similar thoughts might apply to Morton’s prophecies and failed predictions. Sean’s visions did not keep him out of prison and they are unlikely to help us do the work that is at hand.

We do not need a facade that purports to give a window into the future when there are immediate concerns that we know about in the present. Humanity already knows enough about what we face.  If we don’t have the will to do it, it will take more than a prophecy or a meeting with aliens.



1 For the purpose of this article the, differences between the Council and the Galactic Federation may be in name only.


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