Kerry Cassidy Again

Kerry Cassidy Again

A KerryWatch Report

Kerry cassidy watch - blog. Spacecapn. ComKerry Cassidy again shows on Project Camelot that she is determined to prove that there is no conspiracy too far fetched for her to pass up. Her ability to recycle old conspiracies or create new ones is perhaps not that unusual in QAnon, but does anybody surpass her in the way she makes pronouncements?

First, Cassidy reposts a false report (dated September 2) that there is  “Chinese Training at Camp Grayling – FEMA Camp Michigan.”  According to the report, the Chinese military crossed our northern border and are currently in Michigan at the behest of the United Nations. They allegedly are occupying Camp Grayling —  the camp supposedly was used during the Jade Helm training exercises to rehearse putting down an American insurrection against a foreign takeover of our government.  Kerry states “THIS IS NOT GOOD. . .  .”

Kerry cassidy. . . Again
Image: Southern Poverty Law Center

I could agree with her if she if was writing that false information was not good, but I doubt this was her meaning. In 2015, the “Jade Helm” military exercises in Texas and other nearby states was seen as plot to bring in Chinese troops to establish martial law.  Alex Jones stated that HELM referred to Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.

Although obviously that did not happen, nothing can keep a good conspiracy down.  Once established, the reports will continue to circulate.  There is nobody better than Kerry at recirculating such claims.

As to Camp Grayling, the only Chinese troops seen there have been Taiwanese who were part of training exercises last August. The camp is reported to be very quiet this past week, although it might have been hard to get Labor Day reservations at the camp’s RV park. Somehow, it is doubtful that the RVers were Chinese communists in disguise.

Kerry cassidy weather weapon

Not to be outdone, Kerry also goes on to promote her own ideas about the latest moves to prevent a Trump restoration.

KEEP IN MIND… that HURRICANE IDA is a WEATHER WAR WEAPON RELEASED BY THE DEEP STATE CABAL to demonstrate that if the ELECTION RESULTS get released to the public they will unleash their fury… Hurricane Ida was their WARNING TO THE TRUMP TEAM.  A 911 FALSE FLAG WOULD BE THEIR NEXT MOVE…in theory.  

Kerry states that a Catholic visionary received a premonition that there will be a false flag on September 12.

Caveat:  I personally have not had any vision regarding the date 9.11 so far however it is clear that THE ELECTION RESULTS ARE IN and must be given to the PEOPLE… if Biden and team do not step down then (in theory) the Trump team will release the results.  THIS IS THE DEFINING MOMENT.  Which side will back down?  Where to we go from here?  And if Biden steps down and Trump is back in will they release the results anyway?  And how does any of this really prevent violence or civil war if the PEOPLE choose otherwise?

Will the cabal stop at nothing to somehow stop the Trump restoration? Since Cassidy has posited that the Miami condo collapse was a shot across the bow aimed at Trump, the hurricane would be at least the second warning given to the Trump Team. It seems certain, however, that a weather weapon does not account for Ida. Humanity as a whole has created global climate changes that have led to increasingly severe results.

The only conspiracy is by those who attempt to deny what is apparent to all.

Trump did his best to contribute to this crisis — if there is a cabal it is one that includes the wealth, power, and blindness that the Trump administration epitomized. Make no mistake about it, his presidency promoted the New World Order.

Kerry’s warnings about violence and civil war should be taken more seriously since they echo at least some QAnon thought, with the potential for new violence.  The normalization of conspiracy is a hallmark for insurrection. Given the refusal to recognize the election results and the impasse that Republican senators have created, Kerry’s question asking “where do we go from here” seems valid, although not in the way that she intended.  

Kerry Cassidy again . . . She believes that those who cannot accept her visions lack imagination. Too much imagination can be even more of a problem.

KerryWatch:  Occasionally paying attention to Kerry Cassidy so you don’t have to.

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